Dec 9, 2016
Generous Leaders Build Great Teams
"Generosity is one of the most important ways to set an example as a leader in any organization." I think about creativity a lot but I...

Dec 3, 2016
Great Leaders are Confident . . . and Generous
"If you're scared, if you're nervous, if you think you're a fraud, you won't be generous." I recently read an interview about leadership,...

Nov 19, 2016
DO Sweat the Small Stuff
"No one made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little." Disclaimer: If you're already highly...

Nov 8, 2016
How to Survive a Presidential Election OR How to Have a Difficult Conversation
"When under attack, our heart can take a similarly sudden and unconscious turn. When faced with pressure and strong opinions, we often...

Oct 18, 2016
Have You Found What You're NOT Looking For?
“Can I help you find something?” You’ve heard that before, haven’t you? It’s the usual greeting you get from sales people as you walk...

Oct 8, 2016
The Three Strategic Roles of Creative Leaders
Out of Our Minds, by Ken Robinson should be your new best source when you think about creativity. I've recommended it before but just in...

Oct 3, 2016
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Do you like to hear recordings of yourself speaking? How about singing? If you’re like most people your first reaction to hearing...

Sep 23, 2016
Are You in a Relationship Apocalypse?
"Within organizations, people have to see each other as human beings or there will be no social glue." John Gottman I was honored to be...

Dec 25, 2015
A Gift Within A Gift
One of the Christmas traditions in our family is to hide gifts within gifts. My wife started it years ago when she wrapped a small gift...