Jun 8, 2018
No, Everyone Doesn't Get a Trophy. But . . .
Is it good enough to just be good or is there only value in being better than someone else? I like things that are simply good....

May 4, 2018
Maybe We All Just Need a Good Laugh!
When was the last time you had a good laugh? I mean a great laugh when you laughed so hard that your face turned red and you had trouble...

Apr 20, 2018
Kindness - A Surprising Strength
Depending on how much cable news you consume, you may get the idea that kindness is in short supply. My personal experience proves just...

Feb 24, 2018
What Do Strong Leaders Need Most?
Imagine you're on a nationally televised game show and the host gives you ten seconds to name five characteristics of strong leaders....

Feb 10, 2018
Who Is Really Wise?
Who is the wisest person you know? What puts them at the top of your list? Really smart? Successful? Powerful and influential? Those are...

Jan 27, 2018
You Can't Count All the Stars . . . but I think you should try.
When I was six year's old I tried to count all the stars in the night sky. The challenge overwhelmed me rather quickly but the memory of...

Jan 22, 2018
What's Virtue Got to Do With It?
Can you really become a person who is wiser by cultivating the virtue of wisdom? How about becoming a more forgiving person? More grateful,

Jan 5, 2018
New Year's Resolution? But I Don't Want to Change!
Each new year seems to begin with a flurry of resolutions, most of which will be abandoned by the end of the month. Why? Because they...

Nov 9, 2017
"The Book of Psalms and How Life Happens" (Hint: it's not all green pastures and still
I've been leading a study of the book of Psalms at our church for the past two months and decided to write the course myself rather than...

Aug 10, 2017
I Learned to Play the Guitar in Just One Day! You Can Too!
I learned how to play the guitar the other day. It's great! I always wanted to know how. I've seen other musicians play so...