Aug 3, 2017
We're All Like Rubber Bands - That's Good News and Bad News
I made what may seem like an audacious claim in a recent article. I said that I believe it is possible for us to become "better people."...

Jul 19, 2017
What's RIGHT with You?
When was the last time someone asked that? You just finished an important project and did a great job then someone says, "What's right...

May 26, 2017
My son recently wrote to me about a conversation he had with one of his music students. Here's what he wrote, "Today one of my 10 year...

May 11, 2017
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night
No, I'm serious, it really was a dark and stormy night in Shawnee, Oklahoma where I was going to college. I was alone in the mobile home...

Apr 28, 2017
Do You Instill Hope in Others?
Hope is not only necessary for personal happiness and well-being, it's good for business too. In fact, I would argue it's essential. ...

Apr 14, 2017
Hope May Not Be a Strategy - But You Won't Accomplish Much Without It
"Hope is not a strategy." I'm sure you've that heard before. It seems to be accepted as "gospel truth" by many people. Of course,...

Apr 7, 2017
I Didn't Expect to Go This Way
I never liked singing very much, at least not when I was younger. Actually it wasn't that I disliked singing I just didn't like singing...

Mar 31, 2017
Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!
Most of my articles have something of an autobiographical nature to them. As someone who usually works 50-60 hours each week, this one...

Mar 23, 2017
I Was Approaching 100mph and Thought I Was Going to Die!
On a weekend home from college I had borrowed my parent's car and driven into the small town of Pryor, Oklahoma to run and errand. On my...

Mar 16, 2017
Survival of the Kindest
Roy was one of the nicest people I ever met. He was a professor of speech and communication and I had the opportunity to work with him...