Mar 4, 2017
Boredom - The First Step to Your Next Great Idea?
I wrote poetry one summer many years ago. It wasn't great poetry or even good poetry so I'm not going to share any of it with you here. ...

Feb 25, 2017
A Tale of Two Musicians (A love story . . . sort of)
I was one of those kids who loved band and didn't notice that it kept me from being one of the popular people in school. I loved...

Feb 18, 2017
Is There a Passion for Compassion Where You Work?
I'm in a small group bible study with a few guys in local businesses where the topic is love. Yes, you heard correctly. The topic is...

Feb 11, 2017
What Could Be Better than Greed?
In the movie Wall Street, the lead character, Gordon Gekko, famously said, "Greed is good." That seems to be the gospel truth for many...

Jan 28, 2017
How's That New Year's Resolution Coming?
January is almost over so I thought I'd check in with you and see how you're coming with that resolution you made a few weeks ago. You...
Jan 21, 2017
My Son Got a Spanking and I Learned a Valuable Lesson
My son is doing well now but he survived a somewhat traumatic event in the first grade. As he related the story to me, he was not...

Jan 11, 2017
Time to Ignore Your Goals?
"If you completely ignored your goals and focused only on your system, would you still get results?" I'm not anything close to a...

Jan 7, 2017
I Quit Playing Trumpet in the Sixth Grade and It Was Doc Severinsen's Fault!
I quit playing trumpet in the 6th grade. It was Doc Severinsen's fault. He was the band leader and star trumpet player on the Tonight...

Dec 31, 2016
Silence and Sabbath at the End of the Year
One of the best gifts I get for Christmas comes every year after December 25. It's the gift of a week unlike any other, when the usual...
Dec 15, 2016
What Could You Give Away Today? (An Experiment in Generosity)
Dan Rockwell writes a blog that I read most days called Leadership Freak. Here's a short story he wrote about generosity which he...