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Shift your focus from what's wrong to what's strong

Leading with Strengths Page

“If you focus on people’s weaknesses, they lose confidence.” At a very basic level, it is hard for us to build self-confidence when we are focused on our weaknesses instead of our strengths.”  -Tom Rath

"A person can perform only from strength.  One cannot build performance on weakness, let alone on something one cannot do at all."  
- Peter Drucker

The workshop is based on the VIA Character Strengths Survey which is taken online by each team member a few days prior to the workshop.  The VIA  Survey the only survey of its kind.  Rather than focusing on strengths of competence, what a person does, the VIA survey focuses on strengths of character, who a person is. Of course, who you are, affects what you do and every aspect of your life at home and at work.  Character Strengths are the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel and behave and are the keys to you being your best self. When applied effectively, they are beneficial both to you and society as a whole. They are different than your other strengths, such as your unique skills, talents, interests and resources, because character strengths reflect the "real" you — who you are at your core.

VIA Survey

The VIA Character Strengths survey provides insight into how you express yourself in 24 different characteristics.  

Individual Profile

This report provides a picture of how you engage with each of the 24 Character Strengths. You'll see your signature strengths and have a better understanding of how to leverage your strongest characteristics for maximum engagement and effectiveness. 

Team Profile

The team profile offers exceptional insight in how your team works together. It helps members develop an expanded view of how best to connect with work and with fellow teammates. When strengths of character are understood in context with other important elements members bring to their team, it can result in a much higher degree of alignment and engagement.  When work connects with their core character strengths they feel that their work matters. This is how work takes on the quality of a "calling."

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 Leading With Strengths 

Organizations who use the VIA Survey


It Only Takes Fifteen Minutes and It's FREE

What about you?  Do you know what your greatest strengths are? The VIA Survey of character strengths is a simple test that takes just a few minutes of your time and provides a wealth of information to help you understand your core characteristics. It has been taken by over 5 million people in over 196 countries.  If you're ready to discover your Character Strengths, click on the link and follow the prompts.  It only takes about fifteen minutes and is absolutely free.

To get started or ask questions

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